
On this page you can familiarise yourself with terminology related to first aid training. New terms are added to the glossary all the time. If an important term is missing, please let us know by emailing so that we can update the glossary.



A member of the partnership network of Punainen Risti Ensiapu’s Training Programmes unit, which only provides Red Cross first aid training.


FRC first aid training courses are audited by an independent third party. Auditing is designed to ensure the high standard of first aid training across the whole of Finland.


Classroom education

Classroom education takes place in a physical learning environment in the presence of a certified First Aid Instructor.

Combination course

Combination courses consist of a mix of classroom or webinar-based teaching and online learning. The participants first take an online course independently and then attend classes or a webinar to put their first aid knowledge to practice.

Course ID

Each FRC first aid training course has a unique course ID consisting of the name of the course and the logo of Punainen Risti Ensiapu (see example).


Emergency first aid

Emergency first aid refers to life-saving first aid, which is designed to prevent the death of the person. Emergency first aid focuses on the preservation of breathing, blood circulation and consciousness until professional help arrives. Anyone can give emergency first aid.


First aid

First aid refers to the first and immediate assistance given to a person with a sudden illness or injury, which is designed to preserve life and prevent the condition from worsening. Anyone can give first aid.

First Aid Instructor

First Aid Instructors are health care professionals who have been certified to run FRC first aid training courses.

First aid readiness

First aid readiness refers to having enough trained first-aiders as well as first aid equipment and first aid protocols to match the circumstances and the operating environment.


The Finnish Red Cross (FRC) is one of the largest non-governmental organisations in Finland and a member of the worldwide Red Cross movement. For more information, visit

FRC first aid certificate

A certificate issued as proof of completion of an FRC first aid training course. The FRC first aid certificate is valid for three years.

FRC first aid training

Red Cross first aid training programmes include, for example, (list of courses , basic, advanced and emergency first aid courses, link to content).



All FRC first aid training courses are run by certified First Aid Instructors, who have the competence of a health care professional as well as certification to provide first aid and health education instruction.


Online course

Online courses are a form of independent learning on a computer or a mobile device.



Paramedicine refers to the administration of urgent medical care by professionals in the event of a sudden illness or injury and, if necessary, transport to a medical facility. The paramedic service and the associated administration of emergency medical care are part of the health care system.


A contractual partner of Punainen Risti Ensiapu’s Training Programmes unit that is authorised to run FRC first aid training courses.

Punainen Risti Ensiapu

A provider of FRC first aid training as well as First Aid Instructor basic and refresher courses, which is owned by the FRC headquarters and districts.


Readiness and preparedness

FRC first aid training courses teach you how to respond to a variety of medical emergencies.


Resuscitation refers to an emergency procedure that combines chest compressions with rescue breaths (cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR) as well as the use of a defibrillator. Resuscitation and the use of a defibrillator are covered by all FRC first aid training courses.



Our webinars are virtual first aid training courses run by certified First Aid Instructors, which participants attend via a computer or a mobile device.