After your FRC first aid course

The knowledge and skills that you have learned on your FRC first aid course will stay with you, but we recommend that you practise your skills and take refresher courses at regular intervals. First aid is a life skill that is worth keeping sharp.

Here you will find tips and tools for keeping the knowledge and skills that you learned on your FRC first aid course up to date.

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Tips for keeping your first aid skills sharp

The FRC first aid course that you have completed has given you a solid knowledge base and the ability to act competently in a variety of emergencies. Read our top tips for maintaining your first aid competence here.

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First aid protocols

First aid is a life skill and you can never know when your first aid skills might be needed. Here you can find first aid protocols for the most common medical emergencies.

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First aid equipment

Prepare for injuries and various kinds of medical emergencies by having appropriate first aid equipment. Check out our tips!

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Readiness and preparedness

Punainen Risti Ensiapu and FRC first aid courses are part of the preparedness framework of the Finnish Red Cross and the whole country.

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Contact information

If you have any questions about FRC first aid courses, please get in touch – we will be happy to help.

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