Log in to the OmaEnsiaputodistus portal to view your competence qualifications.
The OmaEnsiaputodistus portal is where you can view the details of FRC first aid courses that you have completed as well as your competence qualifications. You will also be able to check the validity of your qualifications. All FRC first aid certificates are valid for three years. Your mobile certificate, which you will also find in the OmaEnsiaputodistus portal, makes it easier to prove your competence to your employer, educational institution or sports/activity club.
We believe that everyone should know basic first aid and have the ability to help in an emergency.
Most employers expect at least five per cent of their staff to have completed first aid training and any necessary refresher courses and therefore to have a valid first aid qualification. Workplace preparedness planning is generally the responsibility of each employer, with the help of their occupational health care provider. Most preparedness plans include information about the nature and level of first aid training that employees are expected to have.